My Before & After Thus Far

My Before & After Thus Far
Results of past 10 years

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Beginning

Coming off the holiday weekend, my goal of lessening my simple carbohydrate intake didn't fair very well, but I am ok with that for now. I have been weighing myself for a baseline and to make sure my crazy body dysmorphia thoughts don't get the best of me. I swear, sometimes I can be convinced that I gained 20 pounds in a day, so using the scale keeps those thoughts in line.

I am still working out 8-9 hours a week, doing Pilates mat and equipment classes and taking Zumba. Since I am working towards becoming a Pilates instructor, my teacher has raised the bar on my exercises, so I am feeling a new kind of tired. That is the one thing about Pilates that I love. You are never finished and you never arrive. There is always more you can do to challenge your body and get stronger.

I have to get more consistent with posting my daily food on fitday. com, but I am doing pretty good.

Things to work on this week, is getting more anatomy studying done for my Pilates certification test and to attempt to meditate at least once. I tried over the weekend and fell asleep!

I am doing better with negative thoughts. When I catch myself in the midst of something negative, I say "stop" and redirect myself. I will continue this and try to stay aware of when it's happening. It's amazing how much negative programming resides within me.

I did have some fun this weekend. Went to the Cubs game with a group of friends. The weather was beautiful and we had a great time! Also, Notre Dame won their season opener. Life is good! (I am not a sports nut, just love the occasional live baseball game).

I look forward to reading about other people's journeys and reading Kelly's blog to see what Rosie is planning for herself.


  1. Hi Jillian. I'm going to enjoy your blog. Your pictures are super inspiring to me.

  2. You are doing so well, a good inspiration for the rest of us!
